Experience of use Welltone

Before taking high blood pressure medication Welltone

Lina from Dresden talks about her experience

It seemed that I was destined to suffer from high blood pressure from birth: I had several relatives who suffered from this unpleasant disease, but it was not well treated. There was no Welltone drop at that time. Childhood genetics combined with excess weight and constant stress: My parents were divorced, and I was often ridiculed in school for being obese and myopic. Doctors found out early on that I had problems with lipid metabolism violations and high sugar levels. By the way, the need to use glasses turned out to be due to a circulatory disorder.

Without the slightest desire to follow a healthy lifestyle, because. In our house, somehow not accepted: they eat a lot and are delicious. As a result, unpleasant emotions are consumed by fast food, diluted by high-calorie beverages, and rarely walks. It seems to me that during adolescence, smoking is added to the disgusting diet. Results: Stage 2 hypertension developed at a young age.

I must say, I am not alone. We had a couple of dysfunctional "fat guys" this quarter. Drops Welltone can help us. The doctor who observed me in my teens said that hypertension is a disease of civilization, a disease of the 20th century.

disease experience

Given the general morbidity, I didn't pay much attention to the temples, pain in the top area, "flies" in the eyes, and dizziness. I don't remember my classes at school, I experienced uncertainty and constant fatigue at work. My husband thinks I'm irritable and depressed, and it doesn't contribute to the happiness of our marriage. Doctors are often called in for chest pain, for which they prescribe pills, drops, diets and injections. After quitting smoking and cutting back on salty food, my condition has improved, but my stress is still erratic. Observe the jumps several times a day.

A review of the use of the drugs I use shows that they have no long-term therapeutic effect after the course of treatment is over. I've been using them over the years and it's only aggravated my condition. I stumbled across Welltone drops online and I was drawn to their natural ingredients, which do not affect the state of the liver and the advertised effects of prolonged exposure. I ordered a few bottles to pay by post and after delivery. Got a big discount. Bottle with dispenser and instructions in high quality bright branded packaging. I didn't find any medicines in pharmacies: they are not sold there.

How to use Welltone drops?

Stress after taking the drops Welltone

Drops Welltone should be used strictly according to the directions of the drug, because arterial hypertension is a serious disease. The drops are natural and do not exclude individual intolerance to individual components, which is important when using the drug directly internally, without the possibility of allergy testing. I don't have any allergic reactions. I drink 20 drops of Welltone per 100ml of purified water twice a day.

After a one-time course of drops, I was refreshed. The daily jumps in blood pressure begin to disappear and the cardiovascular system stabilizes. I reduced the number of edema, the number of seizures, I lost a little bit of weight in just a few weeks and that became the motivation for me to exercise more. I plan: another session with Welltone drops, check diet and start a healthy active lifestyle.